Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to School Slumber Party

Last night I was totally cool in the eyes of my three younger siblings and my two children. (I am always cool in the eyes of my baby.)
I decided to throw a Back-To-School Slumber Party at my house, partly because my daughter Abbie has been begging me to have a sleep over with her Aunt Julianna, who is only three years older than her, and partly because I wanted an excuse to try a new cake recipe--which didn't NOT turn out good. I am sticking to white boxed cake mixes from here. on. out.

Abbie and Julianna doing the dishes.

My sister Clarissa holding Anakin so I could work
My brother Cory, peeling potatoes for our Shepards Pies.
To start the night out, I let the kids decorate the previously mentioned cake. It didn't matter to them that the cake was a disaster. They had fun anyway.
The perfect kid cake. Only to be eaten by kids.
So, if you’re thinking that cake looks disgusting, you'd be right. But I wasn't trying to impress any adults here, so it was perfect. After the cake was done, and our little Shepards pies were in the oven, the kids put on the play Cinderella. Then we sat down to eat and watch our movies...both Diaries Of A Wimpy Kid. Almost all the kids had read the books, and I must admit...the movies were embarrassingly satisfying.
Our virgin lemonaid cocktails.
The three little girls saying "Cheers!"

Everyone getting ready to eat.

Everyone enjoying the movie during dinner.
Overall I think the night was a huge sucess. Now I can go back to being the mean mom. ;)